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Health benefits of Carrots - Carrots can give you beautiful skin and health benefits

Did You know? Carrots can give you beautiful skin and health benefits

         The regularly used root vegetable helps for eyes, hair and fitness of out body. It is available huge in market. Commonly carrots are cultivated in hilly region and cooling places. carrot is rich in nutrients, beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. They are very much useful in hair growth, skin wellness and weight loss.

The nutrition facts for two small-to-medium raw carrots (100 grams) are:
  • Calories: 41
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Carbs: 9.6 grams
  • Sugar: 4.7 grams
  • Fiber: 2.8 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
Health benefits
  • Reduced risk of cancer and prevent
  • Lower blood cholesterol
  • Weight loss and healthy diet
  • Improve eye sight
  • Hair fall control
  • Reduce skin disease and give glow skin.
  • Rich in fiber so helps in digestive system
Forms of use
  • Make a juice and drink every morning
  • Make chutney for dosa or any other breakfast
  • Prepare side dish for lunch (rice)
  • Make dessert or hot drink for evening instead of tea or coffee
  • Make a paste and used as ingredients in all types of recipes
  • Make carrot cake and give to children. Its very delicious and healthy

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