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How to stop Premature Ejaculation using food diet – how to increase sperm strength and production

How to stop Premature Ejaculation using food diet – how to increase sperm strength and production
Author : Kitchen Indya

Sperm deficient

The lifestyle of today's generation of young people has become something beyond human contact and buried within the system. Spending too much time sitting in front of a computer without looking at night and day, crashing food, eating whatever is available in the fast foods and changing their lifestyle can lead to many health problems and hormonal imbalances. One of the most important problems faced by people with such hormone deficiency and malnutrition today is the lack of production of sperm, the lack of strong sperm, and the problems of rapid ejaculation. The problem with our forefathers was not happened because of their diet. Even if you are not able to observe them fully, you can eat some good and get good solid sperms.

Impaired production of cells

In general, male impotence is caused by a lack of sperm production. Sperm deficiency should not be thought of as a normal problem. It must be recognized that it is the source of reproduction, the seed for producing the next generation. Similarly, sperm production alone is not sufficient, it must be malignant, and should not be lost its strength. Regardless of how many treatments to reduce the lack of sperm production and unhealthy sperm, there is no proper solution to this problem. It is important to incorporate certain foods into our daily diet that have the potential to increase sperm and make us malignant.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and calcium. Lycopene, an antioxidant rich in tomatoes, increases energy in the body and stimulates the production and growth of sperm. Helps solve problems like hormonal imbalance. So make sure you have at least fifty grams of tomatoes in your daily diet. And to say that tomatoes are a boon for those who have a problem with ejaculation.


Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that the body needs. It also has a name, walnut. So that the bones are stabilized. Studies have shown an increase in sperm count if you eat 75g per day. Keratin proteins are abundant in walnuts. Protein foods are one of the most basic for sperm production. Walnuts also contain Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. It is rich in sodium, zinc and manganese. So eat 50g of walnuts daily.

The pumpkin seed

Seeds, nuts and legumes are rich in protein. The large quantities of zinc spores present in the pumpkin seeds are promising. These pumpkin seeds that we throw down have a lot of medicinal properties. It is used in many pharmaceutical products. It is used not only in our India but also in US and European countries.

Cucumber seed

One of the natural foods with high levels of folic acid is cucumber seed. If men are deficient in folic acid in their diet, they can affect the growth of chromosomes in the sperm. Cucumber has many wonderful medicinal properties. It can help solve some of the major problems that men have. This cucumber seed is capable of solving kidney stones and inflammation problems. You can sprinkle it on foods like salad.


Antioxidants are also very high in pomegranate, which increases the production of estrogen and testosterone. They also have sexual intercourse for both males and females. It is generally known that the pomegranate is a great fruit. There is a lot of research on the pomegranate globally. Pomegranate is very good for the kidneys. So squeeze the pomegranate juice and drink without adding any sugar. Especially when mixing in a mixer, the heat is not too much, and lightly smashing the pomegranate pearls is even more rewarding.


You may ask what is involved with water and sperm. There is definitely relevance. One simple way to increase and stabilise sperm count is to drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will usually eliminate all the waste in your body. The body is refreshed. Especially when you wake up in the morning and drink water, the body produces new blood cells, keeps the body healthy and boosts the energy of the body. Make it a habit to drink one liter of water every day when you wake up.

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