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Foods not to be eaten while pregnant - foods to avoid during pregnancy

Foods not to be eaten while pregnant
Author : Kitchen Indya

What to Eat During Pregnancy What not to eat That's a list. Even the food that tastes good to the mouth can cause allergies to the body and the stomach at that time, so they are told to look at the food every time. During pregnancy, it is compulsory for the woman to eat alone, along with the womb. So it is necessary to make sure that the food is not flawed. We'll know what foods to avoid.

Sesame seeds

Ancestors may ask whether pregnant women will eat the substance used to dissolve the early stage of pregnancy. Eating sesame seeds does not mean embryo. Even if sesame is eaten with other foods, they can be dangerous in early pregnancy.

Sesame seeds stimulate the uterus muscles to expel the inner embryo of the uterus. So it is advisable not to touch sesame foods for six months.

High Mercury fish

High levels of mercury in the fish can be detrimental to neurodegeneration, which can impair brain development and nervous system development in infants. So avoid the big fish that live in the sea like shark and swordfish.

At the same time, salmon can eat fish, catfish, carp and small fish. You can pick up one or two pieces at a time.


Doctors also advise you to add more frequently as protein, meat and eggs are high. But during the first period of pregnancy, allergic reactions to the estrogen-secreting hormone may be reflected in the diet. During the first trimester, the eggs should be cooked and fried. Off-kiln, half-eaten steamed foods can also weaken the body with diarrhea vomiting.

Caffeine-rich drinks

This is something that should be practiced throughout pregnancy. Avoid caffeine-rich drinks and chocolate items. Avoidance is also good.

If they cause a miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy, they can eventually cause a defect in the baby's body. Caffeine is like a drug. Although these may feel like a temporary refreshment, they can only spoil health. Then you can think of green tea as an alternative to coffee. But it is worth noting that even the recommended amount of coffee is not recommended in Green Tea.

Processed foods

All processed foods contain toxic bisphenol A. This type of food should be avoided until the day of gestation, as it may cause invasive germs.

These can damage the developing baby's endocrine gland. This can lead to many other problems, including pregnancy problems. Avoid aginomoto first synthetic pigments that are added to taste. Similarly, soft drinks can also slow down a child's healthy growth.

Allergy foods

These can also be nutritious and healthy. But if you are allergic to them when you eat on the day of pregnancy, take note. If you are allergic to the same substance for the second time, you should definitely avoid that substance.

Pregnancy is full. During pregnancy, changes in the body's secreted hormones should not be repeatedly infringed upon by the body as a nutrient. Doing so can have different effects, even if it is a healthy substance.

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