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Five home remedies for knee pain

Five home remedies for knee pain


  • Older age
  • Arthritis
  • Poor posture
  • Impact or trauma
  • A lack of sleep

Possible Remedies

Clove and honey

          Clove and honey is best suitable home remedy for knee pain. Take a cup of clove and grind well like a powder and consume half teaspoon with one spoon of pure honey daily for two months. It will help to increase the muscle strength and reduce the knee pain. Also enhance the immunity and prevent from other disease too.

Cinnamon and honey

          Take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and mix with honey and consume Daily at night before going to bed. It will helps to reduce knee pain. You will feel better after using one month. Many of people experiencing the relief.

Goat leg soup

          It is the most common remedy for knee pain. Consume goat leg soup once or twice in a week. That will help to improve the collateral content in knee. That will considerably reduce the knee pain. In India this this the most commonly used home remedy for knee pain.

Yoga and Exercise

          Yoga is the best practice to reduce knee pain. The people used to do yoga daily, the possibility of knee pain is reduced in future. There are lots of asana available especially for knee pain and enhance the immunity.

Epsom Salt Soak

           It is the classic remedy for knee pain is taking relaxing bath with Epsom salts. The warm salt give the easy and quick relaxation from knee pain. You can also add essential oil for better performance. Everyone can do this remedy for weekly once because in ancient India salt water is used for bath and they have good immunity and well protected for the diseases.

Note: Don’t go for allopathic medicine for knee pain because this disease not curable using allopathic tablets. Herbal remedy is the best and only choice for knee pain.   

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