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Do you know what happened, when pineapple can be mixed with coconut oil?

Author : Kithen Indya
Do you know what happened, when pineapple can be mixed with coconut oil?

          We all know how good pineapple is for the body. During the sun, some people get colds due to body heat. It must be said that there is no such thing as a pineapple to fight the cold. We are going to prepare this recipe with such a pineapple.

Anti- Stress

          This drink of pineapple, banana, coconut oil and flax seed helps keep the nervous system functioning smoothly. This helps the body and mind to function calmly and steadily. So you can even call it an anti-stress drink. During the sun, we usually get more irritated and angry. And in such lock-down times, you will get angry at what you see and do. Here's how to fix them
          All the ingredients included in this drink are important ingredients for good health. The bar in particular is very high in antioxidants. Ginger and turmeric can help solve throat and stomach problems. Similarly, the two most important ingredients are coconut milk and coconut oil. When you combine all these healthy ingredients into one drink, it increases its effectiveness. Adds strength and energy to the body. Gives peace of mind

Skin brightness
          Usually the color fades during the sun. Excessive heat can also cause skin dryness. Just like the rest of our body, the skin needs some essential nutrients to maintain good health.

           The skin is easily affected by changes in the external environment as well as inside the body. To some extent we can control the effects of external environments. But it is very important to make sure that our body's internal environment is healthy and happy.

Hormonal balance

           Hormonal imbalances, a lack of certain essential nutrients in the diet. It can cause great damage to the skin. So it is healthier to maintain your skin than to spend thousands on expensive cosmetics to look good on the outside. Spend a little time eating food

Pineapple, coconut milk drink

          This drink includes banana, pineapple, flax seed, and coconut milk. Add coconut oil, ginger, bark and turmeric. For those who want to improve the health of your skin, this is a powerful drink that can be supplemented with food. There is no need to fear that there is too much fat in the coconut. Coconut oil and coconut milk are rich in healthy good fats and vital nutrients. Both root and aromatherapy products, such as ginger and turmeric, are said to inhibit the skin's ageing appearance and improve the elasticity of the skin and prevent inflammation.

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